The week that starts without love, care and concern for ourselves is like a puzzle that is missing key pieces to complete.
Perhaps the word Monday synonymously brings to mind people running in a hurry, faces stressed, a city trying to wake up and keep up with our demanding pace.
From September, the month of new beginnings, decisions and changes, Eleana Thanou Beach Coach will try to make Monday, a day of detoxification from stress. Together we will start the week, providing you with services that will make you physically and mentally escape from the pressing agenda of your day.
You will be able to enjoy ETBC services on Mondays as well
Put yourself in the hands of our team of beauty experts and give yourself the opportunity to start your week in an exciting way. Because, yes, quality care is the most exciting thing that can happen to you. It is not taken for granted, but it is essential to draw strength and energy!
Monday at Eleana Thanou Beauty Coach is your opportunity to embrace yourself and allow beauty to emerge from within. We will be here, always ready to greet you with a smile and always willing to treat you with the love and attention you deserve!