In my 19 years in the beauty industry, not for a moment have I taken for granted anything I might have conquered. Most important of all, is the trust of my clients.
To me, my clients are my world. They are the reason I strive to give the best of myself every day.
The relationship that binds me to them is deep, I could charitably describe it as almost “erotic”. I want them to be satisfied and enchanted by the care that is offered to them in my space, by my team and by myself. It’s not enough for me for them to come in once or twice to have occasional hair or limb needs met. I want them to connect my space with the most sacred time they will devote to themselves. I want Eleana Thanou Beauty Coach to be their personal beauty temple. And you know what? My clients, I know they feel that. They sense it from the moment they walk into my space. From the first few minutes we share, to the moment they leave.
Every day, before I go to my professional space, I envision happy people walking out the door of Eleana Thanou Beauty Coach
Each client is a universe unto themselves. It has its wants, demands, expectations and insecurities. I feel the need to embrace them all with love and understanding. That’s why my clients and I have a relationship that lasts through time. I see them evolving, striving to be the best version of themselves, becoming the best version of themselves. I feel nothing but joy and gratitude when I know that I may have contributed to improving their relationship with themselves.
Every day is a small battle in our work. Client trust is not a given. It requires daily effort, diligence, enthusiasm and passion. Every day, before I go to my professional space, I envision happy people walking out the door of Eleana Thanou Beauty Coach, satisfied with the services they have chosen. I know that the most loyal clients are my clients, because they receive the feeling I always want to give them: love.